Different types of Crystal Glass used in your Wrist Watch

While wearing a stylish Wrist Watch, rocking the party, and grabbing everyone’s attention, have you ever given a thought to the fact that the glass on your Wrist Watch is also made of some special kind of material, a special kind of crystal. Till now you might have not considered it, but from now own you will while wearing a Wrist Watch and while buying one also. The glass that you see on the head of your Wrist Watch of which you take care the most as a slight hit can break it, it is simply not any glass, it’s made of special crystal, that differs from watch to watch. A crystal glass that you find on a budget watches may be different from what you will get on mid-range watches, and the same shift happens when you go further high in range to buy premium watches. If you are going to buy budget watches, it shouldn’t matter much, but in case you are going to buy a slightly expensive watch or a very expensive watch, you should know if you are getting the value for money or not. 

Today we are here to tell you about the different types of crystal used in the glass of your Wrist Watch, and how they differ from each other.

Types of Crystal Glass Used in Your Wrist Watch:

Acrylic Crystal Glass - 
The Acrylic crystal glass also called as resin glass sometimes. The Acrylic crystal glass is mostly found in the budget watches, but are still used by many expensive watch companies due to its certain properties. These crystals can get scratched easily, but are equally easy to polish again, making the maintenance quite easy. The best thing about these glasses is that it does not shatter into pieces while it breaks, thus making it ideal to be used on low-end sports watches. Due to the same quality, the glass was used on the Speed master watch of Omega that was sent to the moon. The not shattering quality added extra safety from the floating pieces of glass in the space.

Mineral Crystal Glass -
Next better in the list is the Glass made from Mineral Crystal. You can see Mineral Crystal Glass used on most of the Mid-range or less expensive watches. The Glass is highly scratch resistant and requires heavy pressure or extreme conditions to break. The mineral glass crystal is chemically treated and is 7 times more strong than Acrylic Crystal Glass. Even though being very strong the replacement of these glasses on your watch once broke is affordable.

Sapphire Crystal Glass -
Those who know about the Sapphire crystal might know what the real deal is, the sapphire crystal scores 9/10 on the Moh scale, it falls behind of diamond very slightly. The Moh scale is used to measure the hardness of a material. The Sapphire Crystal glass is one of the strongest glass out there and most expensive too. It is mostly used on Expensive or luxuries watches. Even though the Sapphire crystal glass is very expensive they worth the money. They are scratch and breakage proof, only materials which can scratch it might be the other sapphire glass or diamond.

These 3 crystal Glass mainly covers all of your watches that are out there in the market. However, all of the glasses are great for the watch they come in at their respective price point, but you can certainly tell which one is superior. The use of this Crystal glass can certainly hype up or decrease the price and the value of the watch. 

Metal Strap Watches! Why You Should or Should Not Buy?

Going out for a party or an Office meeting? Confused about which watch to wear from your collection? Happens, when you have Metal Strap Watches and Leather Strap watches both in your collection, it is not an easy task to decide what to wear when. What you wear kind of boils down to your personal choice, but this is indeed true that the kind of watch you wear defines the kind of person you are. Thus, it is a must that you pick up the right one. As we already told you about the reasons to buy and not buy a leather strap watch in the previous blog, we will be covering the Metal Strap Watches in this one.

So, let us discuss why you should or should not buy Metal Strap watches by telling you the pros and cons of both.

Great things about Metal Strap Watches:

Durability - The first thing that comes to the mind while talking about the Metal Strap watches is the durability. The Metal Straps in a watch are highly durable if compared to the Leather. Unlike leather, they are not prone to wear and tear or will get affected while in contact with sweat.

Look - Metal Strap watches have a more premium feel. Indeed, the leather straps give a more formal and stylish look at times, but the metal has its own glossy and premium feel, they look classic, especially if you go to a little premium brand.

Easy to clean and maintain - Due to its nature of not getting affected by the water in an instant it can be cleaned easily. Unlike the leather straps that need to be taken care very delicately, you can just clean it up with a wet cloth and that’s it.

The convenient Clasps - The clasps on the metal straps are no doubt more convenient than of the buckle system on the Leather straps. You can just slide it in or out to get the perfect fit and clip at the point, whereas in the leather you need to have the pinhole at the most precise point where it is a perfect fit for you.

Few Flaws of the Metal Strap Watches: 
Feel - The metal straps indeed may be very comfortable for the most. But, the stiff nature of the metal makes the straps feel stiff on the hands. It can feel not so comfortable in the hands to most unlike the feel of leather.

Temperature - The other natural property of the metal that works against it is of retaining the temperature. Metal straps retain the temperature, thus, in the cold weathers or hot temperatures, it can make you feel the same. The metal straps might feel very hot or cold in your hands at certain times in the respective weather condition.

The Claps may come undone - If you are not wearing the watch of a good brand that has an extra security layer of claps, it might slip from your hands. The claps on metal straps have a high tendency to come undone most of the times if you do not clip it properly.

There might be some corns with the Metal strap watches, but they should not be the deal breaker for you, the pros are greater. The metal strap watches are great if wear on the right occasion and you might attract a lot of attention through them.

Leather Strap Watch! Why you should or should not buy?

The kind of watch you wear tells a story about you, it defines you as a person and the profession you represent. How open you are or how introvert you are, your watch reveals it all. The Wrist Watch comes in basically 2 different kinds, one is the leather strap watch, and another one is the metal strap watch. Basically, it boils down to personal preference and comfort. But, in case you are planning to buy a leather strap watch and are not sure whether to buy or not? We are here to simplify it for you. Let us discuss why or why not you should buy the Leather strap watch.

Pros of Leather Strap Watches: -

·         The feel: - Leather takes away all the points for the feel and the comfort, we all love the feel of the leather. It feels natural and soft; it’s quite comfortable to wear and sits very well with the skin.

·         Style and Colours: - The leather straps come in different colors and style, thus, suiting your need in every situation. When it’s about matching, just grab the straps of matching colors. Even when you want to more casual or trendy, you can get the strap in such a design.

·         The formal wear: - Unlike the others, the leather strap watches are meant to go with the formals. They blend in perfectly with any of your formal attire and enhance your appearance.

·         The buckle system: - Ok! Some of you might argue that the clasps on the metal straps are more convenient than the buckles. But the buckles are almost impossible to come undone, unlike the clasps. The buckles might take little more time in the hurry, but you won’t go wrong with it.

Negative of Leather Strap Watches: -

·         The durability: - You can not trust the leather straps with anything, water, sweat, dust, anything can harm them. Leather straps are prone to wear out with time.

·         Extra care: - You need to be a little easier with the leather straps. Cleaning them requires a little extra care. You can not use water to clean them, and you also can not clean them regularly, but at the same time they will get spoiled very frequently.

·         Original or Duplicate: - It is a little not too easy to differentiate between the original leather straps or the duplicate one unless you are some leather expert. There are 80% of fake leather straps out there until you buy a branded leather strap watch from a trusted seller you should really be careful.

There is no reason to not go with the Leather Strap Watches due to the few corns, it got more in plus for it, and you just need to be more careful. The leather straps can really enhance your attire and can add more professionalism and style to your personality.